Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today is the primary election here in Florida (and a few other states as well).  If you, like me, find politics somewhat stressful, then you should have a cookie – specifically, an amazing Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie.  While chocolate chip cookies...
Laundry Room Organization

Laundry Room Organization

There were two aspects of our house that drew us to it: the first was that the original owners were the builders and they carefully customized it, taking great pride in its design and construction.  The second was that the house was full of unexpected 45-degree...
The Graceful Kitchen: Supermarket Meal in a Flash

The Graceful Kitchen: Supermarket Meal in a Flash

Keeping your house in order and your budget in line can be difficult.  One of my goals is to limit the time I spend in some areas of my life to free up time for other things I might be interested in.  And one of those areas where I try to limit my time spent as much...
The Two Important Life Rules

The Two Important Life Rules

When Matt and I first got married, we had no money to our names and over $100,000 in student loan debt.  Our monthly payments were so high that we lived in a 10 x 14 efficiency on my parents’ property while we were trying to make our payments.  We...

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